Tuesday 18 November 2014

Tentative beginnings

Going to au pair in China seems like quite an irrational decision so I decided it. Fuck sitting around in England waiting for some job to magic itself from my less than adequate CV, which would also mean updating it from GCSE days.

I don’t really have any idea, but what is the life of an au pair in China? Here’s what I can solidly verify so far.

I live: in a gentrified international community on a golf course where you can summon golf buggies to cart your rich omega-3 arse around, and where wedding photos are posed for daily.

My host family is: repugnantly wealthy. I have also seen all of them nakey at least once. Except the dad who is always in Hong Kong “on business” (Triading).

This was a "present". For me. I am a martyr
I look after: a horribly spoilt little cherub, classic symptom of the one-child policy. Except she’s not an only child. She exists only because her older brother of 12 has cerebral palsy and thus receives a fraction of the aggressive affection laid upon his little sister, despite being a great kid and less narcissistic too. One source even had the hubris to say she was born with two brains.

We play: one-legged barbie goes to lego hospital and gets eaten by a pterodactyl, playdoh dressmaking, home science experiments, and re-enacting deathly emergency scenes. Sometimes we wear tutus in the garden and make mud cakes, which is probably a fetish somewhere. Anyone who knows how uncomfortable I usually am around infants would have a field day.

I have eaten: hearts and brains

I have been:
1) to some Taoist hot springs. As per, I was the only non-oriental so everyone stares (ironically) wide-eyed. Whilst pointing and going “nigger nigger nigger”.
2) smoking too much

I miss: nothing. Go on, cry.

My Chinese is: still shit. Only now I am acutely aware of this on a daily basis. To fix this, I am told, the search is on to find me a handsome nanpengyou and who, grateful as I might be, I will neither find handsome nor be able to communicate with. HA! As if China will silence me.


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